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How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Mar 25, 2024

Nowadays, more homeowners are concerned about their energy usage. After all, too much energy consumption is bad for the environment as well as your home budget. From an exterior insulation finishing system to siding upgrades, here are ways to make your home more energy efficient.

Stone Siding

According to Energy Star, proper insulation can save you as much as 15% on your HVAC usage costs. If air is allowed to escape, your system won't be as efficient as it should be. As a result, it'll burn more energy, which will lead to higher bills. That's why it's essential to invest in the right type of siding and exteriors. While vinyl siding is popular, as it's quick to install, it doesn't compare to something as durable and long-lasting as stone siding. Stone siding isn't just beautiful, but in our experience, it can withstand high winds and elements for decades. Plus, most importantly, it's hard for air to pass in or out of this type of fortification.

Concrete Overlay

There's a reason why concrete is often used in construction. It's because once it's hardened, it's one of the hardest materials you could use on any surface. When you apply a concrete overlay to your interior walls or floors, your home is fortified from the inside out. In addition, concrete can also be colored to suit your aesthetic needs. So don't think that concrete is some bland beige material that will make all houses look the same. Your concrete floors can be smoothed out or textured as needed. You can further protect your concrete overlaid floors with a layer of epoxy coating for a shiny finish.

Exterior Insulation

Even if you have a sturdy siding material like brick or stone, you could further reinforce it with an exterior insulation finishing system. This exterior wall covering consists of an insulation board and mesh adhered to the main siding. With this extra protection, it would be virtually impossible for air to leak out and cause your energy bills to rise.

Regardless of the climate that you live in, protecting your home from air loss is essential to keeping it cooled and heated as needed. We're a family-owned company that provides free consultations. Contact our team at Top Notch Materials to learn more about our exterior insulation finishing system, siding, and other insulation techniques.

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